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应用外语系优秀外籍教师Donna Rutledge简介
发布时间:2016-06-14 发布者: 浏览次数:

The introduction of Donna Rutledge – American Teacher

   Mrs Donna has been teaching in our college for 4 years, she is a very hardworking teacher. 
   Mrs Donna has the Master’s degree in Education, educational research and assessment; leadership, she graduated from Jones International University, Englewood, Colorado, USA.
   She has over 20 years’ experience in American colleges and universities:
   Flathead Community College, Kalispell, Montana, USA
   University of Montana, Billings, Montana, USA
   Lower Columbia College, Vancouver, Washington, USA
   South Puget Sound Community College, Olympia, Washington, USA
   She has taught in China for 7 years’:
-Henan Normal University, Xinxiang
-Chenggong College, Gongyi
-English as a Second Language International (ESLI) Language School; Zhengzhou (2008)
-Suzhou Institute of Trade and Commerce, Suzhou, Jiangsu
-Clifford Private School, Guangzhou, Guangdong
    When she taught in Henan Normal University, Xinxiang, she taught first-year and second-year Chinese, Korean, and Japanese students all four English competencies (reading writing, listening and speaking); taught English and non-English majors; collaborated with Japanese, Korean, Italian and Chinese foreign language professors in professional development
    She has founded the campus-wide Peer Tutoring Program (PTP) (outside of my regular teaching schedule of 18 hours per week) while working with the U.S. Peer Tutoring Program Association; acted as PTP Program Director.  (2nd PTP in Chinese higher education)  (This program is still going today, managed by college students.)          
    When she taught in china, she has got many teaching certificates; Teacher of a Foreign Language (TEFL) and Teacher of English as a Second Language (TESL; International College of Applied Linguistics (ICAL)  Joint Venture: Delter-Hastings Incorporated; Ireland; Suzhou, Jiangsu, P R China.



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