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发布时间:2006-04-12 发布者: 浏览次数:

Because I Love You

If I got down on my knees and I'm being with you.
If I cross a million oceans just to be with you.
Would you ever let me down.
If I climb the highest mountain just to hold you tight.
If I said that I would love you every single night.
Would you ever let me down.
Well I'm sorry if it sounds kind of sad.
It's just that it's worry, so worry that you let me down.
Because I love you, love you, love you, so don't let me down.
If I swim the longest river just to call your name.
If I said the way I feel for you would never change.
Would you ever fool around.
Well I'm sorry if it sounds kind of bad.
It's just that worry, I'm so worry that you let me down.
Because I love you, love you, love you so don't let me down.
Well I'm sorry if it sounds kind of bad.
It's just that I'm worry, because I'm so worry that you let me down.
Because I love you, love you, worry, love you, I'm so worry.

下一条:April Fool's Day


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