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发布时间:2005-06-03 发布者: 浏览次数:


      1. America's Carriers Telecommunications Association, an organization founded in 1985 by 15 small long distance companies wishing to create an association in which the members controlled the direction of the organization. (That's their words.) "The focus established was to provide national representation before legislative and regulatory bodies, while continuing to improve industry business relations." Perhaps ACTA's greatest claim to fame was its 1996 petition to the FCC to outlaw Voice Over the Net (VON). Sprint was among the members which broke ranks over that issue, upon which the FCC so far has declined to act. In December, 1998, ACTA merged into CompTel (Competitive Telecommunications Association). See also CompTel. www.comptel.org.
      2. Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments. The FCC privatized its Part 68 responsibilities, selecting ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions) and the TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association) as joint sponsors of the Part 68 ACTA (Administrative Council for Terminal Attachments). ACTA comprises 18 members, with two each elected from six interest segments, including Local Exchange Carriers (LECs), Interexchange Carriers (IXCs, or IECs), Terminal Equipment Manufacturers, Network Equipment Manufacturers, Testing Laboratories, and Other Interested Parties. "Invited Observers," a non-voting category, will include members approved by the council on a case- by-case basis. ACTA responsibilities include adopting and publishing technical criteria for terminal equipment submitted by ANSI-accredited standards development organizations, and operating and maintaining a database of approved terminal equipment. The first meeting of ACTA was scheduled for May 2, 2001. See also ATIS, Part 68 and TIA.

      1. 美国电信运营商协会,该组织成立于1985年,由15架小型长途电信公司发起成立,所有成员掌握该协会的指导方针。(那是他们的话)“协会成立的目标是在立法和调整体系建立之前提供国家代表,从而继续改进工商业关系。”。也许正是ACTA于1996年向FCC提出请求,宣布VON(网上视听)为不合法的事件使之一夜成名。Sprint也是该协会成员之一,从而打破了该协会的入会规则,这也是FCC愿意看到的。1998年12月,ACTA被并入CompTel(电信业协会).参见 CompTel. www.comptel.org
      2. 终端附件管理委员会。FCC将Part68责任私有化,选择ATIS(电信业解决方案联盟)以及TIA(电信业协会)作为Part 68 ACTA(终端附件管理委员会)的联合发起者。ACTA包括18个成员,其中2个成员是从对此感兴趣的6个厂商中选出来的,包括本地电信公司(LECs)、长途电信公司(IXCs或 IECs)、终端设备制造商、网络设备制造商、测试实验室以及其他感兴趣的厂商。“被邀请的观察员”将在视情况而定的基础上以一种非投票的方式由委员会批准认可。ACTA职责包括采纳和出版由ANSI公认的标准开发组织提交的终端设备技术标准,同时对终端设备采纳的数据库进行操作和维护。ACTA的第一次会议定于2001年5月2日召开。参见ATIS, Part 68 和TIA。



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