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发布时间:2021-12-18 发布者: 浏览次数:


1. 邓稼先

Ø 邓稼先,中共党员、九三学社社员,中国科学院院士,著名核物理学家,中国核武器研制工作的开拓者和奠基者。1924年出生于安徽怀宁县,1935年考入志成中学,1941年考入西南联合大学物理系。1948年至1950年,他在美国普渡大学留学,获得物理学博士学位,毕业当年,他毅然回国。1982年获国家自然科学奖一等奖,1985年获两项国家科技进步奖特等奖,1986年获全国劳动模范称号,1987年和1989年各获一项国家科技进步奖特等奖。1999年被追授“两弹一星功勋奖章”。


Ø Deng Jiaxian, member of CPC and Jiusan Society, was an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) . As a distinguished nuclear physicist, he is regarded as the founder and pioneer of China’s nuclear weapon development. Born in Huaining County, Anhui Province in 1924, Deng was admitted to Zhicheng Middle School in 1935 and entered the Physics Department of Southwest Associated University in 1941. During 1948 to 1950, Deng went to America and studied in Purdue University. He graduated with a doctor’s degree in Physics and returned to China resolutely in the year he graduated. He has won many awards including the First Prize of National Natural Science in 1982, two National Grand Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology in 1985 and gained the honorary title of National Model Workers in 1986. He was once again awarded the National Grand Prizes for Progress in Science and Technology in 1987 and 1989. In 1999, Deng Jiaxian was posthumously awarded the "Two Bombs, One Satellite" Achievement Medal.




Ø 杨根思,汉族,江苏泰兴人,中共党员.杨根思是中国军人英雄,他在1950年朝鲜战争中的努力和牺牲被人们铭记。 1950年6月25日,大韩民国和朝鲜民主主义人民共和国之间爆发了朝鲜战争。1950年11月7日,杨根思正式上任。随军参战,任中国人民志愿军连长。大约两周后,美国和韩国军队发起了旨在尽快结束战争的进攻性军事行动。攻势遭到中国士兵的顽强抵抗。面对中国军队的包围,美国及其盟国被迫向南撤退到朝鲜半岛。而美军唯一能逃到南方的地方,就是杨根思的部队所在的地方。美军在那里发动了几次袭击,杨根思的部队被留在了他身边。最终,杨用尽了子弹。他捡起约10公斤炸药,在牺牲自己的生命的同时杀死了近40名美国士兵。那一年,他只有28岁。随后,杨被追授“超级英雄”荣誉称号。杨根思纪念公园建于1955年,是中国人民志愿军第一位特级英雄、特级战斗英雄。中国从未忘记英雄。杨的英勇牺牲后,他的精神影响了整个志愿军。

Ø Yang Gensi, han nationality, born in Taixing, Jiangshu, member of the Communist Party of China. He was a Chinese soldier hero and remembered for his efforts and sacrifices in the Korean War in 1950. On June 25, 1950, the Korean War broke out between the republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. In November 7, 1950, Yang Gensi officially followed the army and joined the war as a company commander of the Chinese people’s volunteers’ forces. About two weeks later, the U.S. and the republic of Korea forces launched an offensive military operation aimed at ending war as soon as possible. The offensive encountered heavy resistance by Chinese soldiers. Facing the encirclement by the Chinese forces, the U.S. and their allies were forced to retreat south down the Korean peninsula. And the only place where the U.S. military could escape to the south was at a location where Yang Gensi’s troops were in charge. The U.S. military launched several attacks there, and Yang Gensi’s troops were left alone with him. In the end, Yang ran out of bullets. He picked up about 10 kilograms of explosives and killed nearly 40 U.S. soldiers while sacrificing his own life. At that time, he was only 28 years old. Subsequently, Yang was posthumously awarded the honorary title of “Superhero”. Yang Gensi Memorial Park was built in 1955. He was the first special-class hero and special-class combat hero of the Chinese people’s volunteers’ forces. China has never forgotten its heroes. After Yang’s heroic sacrifice, his spirit affected the entire volunteer army.




Ø 孔繁森,1944年7月生,山东聊城人,原西藏自治区阿里地委书记、政协主席。1979年开始,孔繁森两次进藏工作,他勤政为民,有力促进了当地经济社会发展和民族团结。1992年底孔繁森第二次援藏工作结束后,被任命为阿里地委书记。为了摸清情况,探索带领群众脱贫致富的路子,他跑遍了全地区106个乡中的98个,行程8万多公里,与藏族群众结下了深厚友谊。

Ø Kong Fansen, born in July 1944 in Liaocheng, Shandong. He is Former Secretary of the Ali Prefectural Committee of the Tibet Autonomous Region and chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. Beginning of 1979, Kong Fansen entered Tibet twice to work. He diligently served the people, which effectively promoted the local economic and social development and ethnic unity. At the end of 1992, after completing his second aid to Tibet, Kong Fansen was appointed secretary of the Ali Prefectural Committee. To find out the situation and explore how to lead the masses out of poverty and get rich, he traveled through 98 out of 106 townships in the region, traveled more than 80,000 kilometers, and forged a deep friendship with the Tibetan people.


4. 赵一曼

Ø 赵一曼,女,汉族,四川省宜宾县人,中共党员。1923年加入中国社会主义青年团。1926年夏加入中国共产党,同年11月,入武汉中央军事政治学校学习。1927年9月,前往苏联莫斯科中山大学学习。1935年秋,任东北抗日联军第3军第2团政治委员。11月间,第2团被日伪军围困于一座山间。赵一曼为掩护部队突围,身负重伤,养伤期间被日军发现,视死如归,从容就义,年仅31岁。

Ø Zhao Yiman , female , Han nationality, from Yibin County , Sichuan Province , a member of the Chinese Communist Party . She joined the Socialist Youth League of China in 1923. In the summer of 1926, she joined the Communist Party of China and entered Wuhan Central Military and Political School in November of the same year. In September 1927, she went to study at the Moscow Sun Yat-sen University . In the fall of 1935, she served as the political commissar of the second Regiment of the third Army of the Northeast anti - Japanese United Army. In November, the second Regiment was besieged by Japanese puppet troops on a mountain. In order to cover troops to break through, she was seriously injured, and was founded by the Japanese army during her recovering from injuries, and she died peacefully at the age of 31.





Ø 钟南山,男,汉族,福建厦门人,1936年生于南京,中共党员,中国工程院院士,广州医科大学附属第一医院国家呼吸系统疾病临床医学研究中心主任,广州医科大学教授。2003年抗击非典中,他不顾生命危险救治危重患者,奔赴一线开展医疗救治工作。2020年,钟南山再次临危受命,奔赴抗击新冠肺炎疫情第一线。2009年当选“100位新中国成立以来感动中国人物”。2020年被授予“共和国勋章”。

Ø Zhong Nanshan, male, Han nationality, born in 1936 in Nanjing, Fujian province, member of the Communist Party of China, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, director of the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, professor of Guangzhou Medical University. In the fight against SARS in 2003, he risked his life to save critically ill patients and rushed to the front line to carry out medical treatment. In 2020, Zhong Nanshan was once again ordered to fight against COVID-19 outbreak. In 2009, he was selected as one of the 100 People who have moved China since the founding of New China. He was awarded the Medal of the Republic in 2020.




No matter in the past, present or future, the hero's glorious deeds and fine conduct are the precious spiritual wealth that inspire us to defy difficulties and march forward courageously. By learning History of the Party, we can cast our original mind, have a better understanding of present and press forward confidently.




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