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发布时间:2022-03-02 发布者: 浏览次数:

2022年2月4日大年初四,恰逢立春之时(The Beginning of Spring),伴随着24节气的倒数,我们迎来了第24届冬季奥运会的盛大开幕。当虎年春节、立春与冬奥三喜相逢,那必是:冬奥健儿如虎添翼上场,满面春风领奖,以青春之姿惊艳世界!


一、开幕式中的“中国式”浪漫——Chinese romance shown in the opening ceremony


北京2022冬奥会开幕式恰逢“二十四节气”当中的“立 春”。“立春”是“二十四节气”中的第一个。“二十四节气”代表着一年的时光轮回,也代表人与自然和世界相处的方式,在冬奥会开幕式上用它来倒计时,体现出了中国人对时光、对生命的感悟。“立春”之日,冬奥会开幕,也寓意各国朋友共同迎接一个新的春天。这份“独属于中国人的浪漫”让网友们赞不绝口。

The opening day of the 2022 Winter Olympics coincides with the “Beginning of Spring”, which is the first of the 24 solar terms of the year. The 24 solar terms represent the cycle of time in a year and the way we interact with nature as well as the world. It is used to count down the last seconds before the ceremony, reflecting the Chinese people’s understanding of time. This coincidence also means Chinese people will embrace a new year with friends around the world together. This kind of " Chinese romance" has been greatly praised by netizens.


二、雪花引导牌创意介绍——The introduction of snowflake placard


After the Parade of Nations, those snowflakes were connected together into a larger flake that formed the Olympic cauldron. The larger sculpture featured olive branches in a symbol of peace.


The athletes were led into the arena by placard carriers in tiger-head hats. Each placard was designed to look like a glowing snowflake. The illuminated snowflake was a recurring symbol inspired by a Li Bai poem.

据设计者李旻介绍,“雪花引导牌”将雪花与中国结纹样巧妙结合,把中国人对于“和而不同,美美与共”的理解融入了雪花的设计。According to Li Min, the six points of each smaller snowflake were shaped like Chinese knots, traditional decorative artworks, with a symbol of harmony and beauty. The design combined the design concept with Chinese culture in a ingenious way.随着运动员们入场结束,各引导员手持“雪花引导牌”向场内围拢,所有代表团的“小雪花”汇聚在一起,构建成一朵“大雪花”,与冰雪五环相呼应,与各个代表团的旗帜融为一体,演绎着世界大家庭“一起向未来”的愿景。据透露,这些“雪花”的设计历经近三年,期间经过了三百多稿的反复修改。

After the Parade of Nations, those snowflakes were connected together into a larger flake that formed the Olympic cauldron. The larger sculpture featured olive branches in a symbol of peace. It is said that the design of these “snowflakes” have gone through more than 300 drafts and revisions over nearly three years.


三、低碳创新的点火仪式:雪花“微火”——The 2022 Olympic flame lighting ceremony


Instead of a blazing fire burning in the cauldron, this time, the Olympic flame was dancing lightly in the air at the heart of the cauldron. The innovation of the lighting ceremonyrepresents China's commitment to an eco-friendly and low carbon footprint, in line with the principle of hosting a "green, inclusive, open and clean" Games.





北京冬奥会期间,三大赛区26个场馆将全部使用“绿电”,这意味着奥运历史上将首次实现全部场馆100%绿色电能供应。“绿电”即绿色电力,在我国其主要来源于太阳能光伏发电和风力发电,具有绿色清洁、对环境友好等典型特点。Beijing 2022 will be the first Olympic Games to power all venues by using renewable energy, with solar and wind as primary energy sources.



Natural CO2 refrigeration systems will be used to cool the ice venues, a first in Olympic history.



With women expected to account for 45 percent of all the participating athletes, Beijing 2022 will be the most gender-balanced Winter Olympic Games to date.



The Chinesedelegation for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games was officially established on Thursday. With a total number of 387 people, the delegation is made up of 176 athletes, 164 coaches, team managers, medics and othersports-related staff as well as 47 other delegation members. This is the biggest delegation China has ever sent to anyWinter Games.




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