Words & Phrases
whole-process people's democracy 全过程人民民主
electoral democracy 选举民主
consultative democracy 协商民主
community - level democracy 基层民主
a modern socialist country 社会主义现代化国家
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Words & Phrases
the mass line群众路线
the principle of “from the people, to the people”从群众中来、到群众中去
the great unity大团结
the Chinese Dream中国梦
a century of struggle百年奋斗
the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation中华民族伟大复兴
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Words & Phrases
harmony between humanity and nature 人与自然和谐共生
Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. 绿水青山就是金山银山。
a community of life 生命共同体
respecting, adapting to, and protecting nature 尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然
sustainable development 可持续发展
Beautiful China Initiative 美丽中国
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Words & Phrases
innovative development 创新发展
coordinated development 协调发展
green development 绿色发展
open development 开放发展
shared development 共享发展
知 识 点 总 结
“讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音”,是习近平总书记的重要指示和殷殷嘱托。那么,在党的二十大报告中,“中国式现代化” “人民首创精神” “人类命运共同体” “全过程民主” “总体国家安全观”等众多热词,该如何用英语讲清楚,传出去?来看外语教师们发挥专业特长,逐一为您解答。
知 识 点 总 结
中国共产党的二十大报告指出: 人民健康是民族昌盛和国家强盛的重要标志。我们必须把保障人民健康放在优先发展的战略位置,完善人民健康促进政策。深入开展健康中国行动和爱国卫生运动,倡导文明健康生活方式。
the Healthy China Initiative 健康中国行动
population aging 人口老龄化
elderly care programs and services 养老事业和养老产业
further reform the medical and healthcare systems 深化医药卫生体制改革
major chronic diseases 重大慢性病
mental and psychological health 心理健康和精神卫生
traditional Chinese medicine 中医药
the public health system 公共卫生体系
the systems for epidemic prevention, control, and treatment 重大疫情防控救治体系
patriotic health campaigns 爱国卫生运动
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strategy for invigorating China through science and education 科教兴国战略
the workforce development strategy 人才强国战略
the innovation-driven development strategy 创新驱动发展战略
systems for scientific and technological innovation 科技创新体系
building a modern socialist country in all respects 全面建设社会主义现代化国家
知 识 点 总 结
中国共产党的二十大报告指出: 马克思主义是我们立党立国、兴党兴国的根本指导思想。实践告诉我们,中国共产党为什么能,中国特色社会主义为什么好,归根到底是马克思行,是中国化时代化的马克思主义行。
Words & Phrases
adapt Marxism to the Chinese context and the needs ofour times 马克思主义中国化时代化
the fundamental guiding ideology 根本指导思想
socialism with Chinese characteristics 中国特色社会主义
China's specific realities 中国具体实际
China's fine traditional culture 中华优秀传统文化
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Words & Phrases
rural revitalization 乡村振兴
put agricultural and rural development first 农业农村优先发展
food security 粮食安全
adopt an all-encompassing approach to food 树立大食物观
build a diversified food supply system 构建多元化食物供给体系
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global frontiers of science and technology 世界科技前沿
greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology 高水平科技自立自强
China's strategic needs 国家战略需求
enhance China's innovation capacity 增强自主创新能力
closer enterprised-led collaboration between industries, universities, and research institutes 企业主导的产学研深度融合
key high-tech enterprises 科技型骨干企业
知 识 点 总 结
global frontiers of science and technology 世界科技前沿
greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology 高水平科技自立自强
China's strategic needs 国家战略需求
enhance China's innovation capacity 增强自主创新能力
closer enterprised-led collaboration between industries, universities, and research institutes 企业主导的产学研深度融合
key high-tech enterprises 科技型骨干企业
知 识 点 总 结
rural revitalization 乡村振兴
put agricultural and rural development first 农业农村优先发展
food security 粮食安全
adopt an all-encompassing approach to food 树立大食物观
build a diversified food supply system 构建多元化食物供给体系
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the workforce development strategy 人才强国战略
the foundational and strategic pillars 基础性、战略性支撑
the strategic distribution of human resources 人才战略布局
international personnel exchanges 人才国际交流
a wealth of talent is vital to the success of a great cause 功以才成 业由才广
no effort should be spared and no rigid boundaries drawn in the endeavor求贤若渴不拘一格
第十五讲 总体国家安全观
知 识 点 总 结
a holistic approach to national security 总体国家安全观
the leadership, legal, strategy, and policy systems 领导体制和法治体系、战略体系、政策体系
matters of principle 原则问题
the bedrock of national rejuvenation 民族复兴的根基
the people’s security人民安全